In a city where music is the lifeblood, it turns out construction noise is making a little too much noise of its own. The Austin City Council is contemplating a proposal to put a lid on the racket from new construction projects, which have been drowning out the sound of strumming guitars with the sweet symphony of jackhammers. Residents are finding themselves caught between wanting new developments and wishing they’d come with a mute button. As the city grows, so do the complaints about construction noise, and now, with decibel meters at the ready, the Council might just turn down the volume.

The proposed changes aim to curb the cacophony by setting stricter limits on how loud things can get during the construction of certain new buildings. If approved, developers may need to swap out their rock-star-level tools for quieter alternatives or face fines. The idea is to strike a balance between progress and peace, because even in Austin, there’s such a thing as too much noise. Stay tuned for what could be the city’s quietest, yet most contentious, council meeting yet.

For more details, check out the original article on the Austin Monitor.